Grandmother’s Point of View
by Grandma Betty
There are 46 chromosomes in the one initial cell of each human life. Animals were created with different numbers of chromosomes than humans, so they never did and never can evolve into human beings. As you can see, I find the science of genetics very fascinating! It is amazing to my finite mind that each of us has the same number of chromosomes in our initial life cell, yet out of these 46 chromosomes come all the variations of the characteristics and “bents” governing our appearance, sex, personality, capabilities, talents, and emotional make-up.
It has occurred to me that the potential in that initial life cell embodies the make-up of the “old man” (Romans 6:6, Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3:9). We are aware that it isn’t necessary to teach a child to lie, deceive, or steal – he is born with these tendencies toward sin. Psalm 51:5 tells us that even before our birth, we were “shapen in iniquity.” Each of us not only inherits a unique combination of the 46 chromosomes of our forebearers, but also the fallen nature of Adam (Romans 5:12). We do not inherit any of the characteristics of the “new birth” (I Corinthians 2:14).
As Christian grandparents, we must realize that God has given us the responsibility of establishing and endowing our children and grandchildren with a Christian heritage through the guidelines of His Word. In Deuteronomy 6:2-9 God commanded parents to teach Biblical principles to their children and children’s children. Psalm 78:2-7 concludes, “Shewing to the generation to come the praises of the Lord and His strength, and His wonderful works that He hath done.”
We had an opportunity to do this last summer as our extended family gathered for a reunion. It was a joy to see how many of our children, nephews and nieces were carrying on the principles of their faith in Christ in their own families. We publicly remembered the Godly example of our parents who are now with the Lord. Before we parted, we made a circle and each person lit a small candle by turn to signify their Christian testimony to the world. Then we sang, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Each branch of the family left with a copy of our “family tree.” How thankful I am for the Christian heritage of my family that spans the generations! All Christian grandparents have the privilege of establishing a Biblical heritage for their children’s children. Will your grandchildren be able to say as David in Psalm 16:6, “I have a goodly heritage”?
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